Tuesday, June 2, 2009

dial and dudley funeral home - Fedding Planning 101

Losing a loved one is always hard, whether you have had to deal with loss before or not, so don't try to be a rock, take the time to grieve. The pain of his or her physical absence seems like it is sometimes too much to bear.

Grief is much easier to deal with when you have a faith filled hope that a deceased loved one is connected to God and you in a relationship that may have changed, but has not ended. In trying times it can be a struggle to keep your composure, however making notes will help you focus. Everybody will be in tears and they won t worry if you are too.

A poem should be written subtly and ensure it is not too emotional. Typically, a eulogy runs around five to ten minutes in length. The truth is that death is a doorway into a new home, an entrance to new way of living life with God and you.

Remember to prepare and organize your thoughts. Ultimately, the most important thing is to reflect the unique personality of the deceased.

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