If you're looking for a poem to read at a funeral there are certain things you should be aware of first. The best poems for funerals are ones which you can visualize your loved one through, a certain word, phrase or even the entire poem should feel as if it was written about them.
The person delivering the eulogy must show the reasons why the deceased is well loved and will be missed by the people around him. Going through some of the funeral poems with friends and family members really helps, some of the poems may make you laugh because they are such the complete opposite of the person you've just lost that you have a good laugh about it. There are a lot of funeral poems which are written by famous poets and also there are poems which are written by anonymous people too but they are very good.
The need to talk is an outlet of letting out all of their feelings about the situation. A gentle, sincere hug or a shoulder to cry on is what a bereaved person needs to feel to know that he is not alone in his grief. Using poetry to help with grief, to express love or pain and to memorialize a friend or family member is very powerful and will be appreciated by others who have experienced a loss.
It is not something that can be written quickly. The eulogist has a chance to ease the pain of others by providing them with a picture of the best things about that person, something they can hold on to in the difficult days to follow.
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